If you have discovered a bed bug infestation, it may be time to call a bed bug pest control service. These professionals are specifically trained to identify these bugs, as well as find their hiding places. They can target the infestation in a home, apartment, or commercial space and eliminate them completely.
Identifying bed bugs
If you suspect a bed bug infestation, you can start by identifying them. These bugs are very small, about the size of a credit card, and they often hide in cracks, seams, and furniture. You can look for them by feeling the edges of upholstered furniture or pulling out cushion covers. Bed bugs have a flat, oval abdomen and a narrow head. They are black and have two beady eyes. They have six legs and two antennae with four segments.
While the best way to control bedbugs is by calling a bed bug pest control company, you can also take steps to prevent a future infestation. Keep your suitcases off the floor, wash your clothing when you return home, and inspect used furniture thoroughly. You can also use plastic covers on your furniture to prevent bedbugs from eating textiles.
You can also identify a bed bug infestation by checking the location of their nests. These bugs will typically feed on humans and other mammals, but will also feed on birds. They are active at night and feed for three to twelve minutes. If you see any of these signs, it is time to call a bed bug pest control company.
Once you have identified the location of the infestation, you can then begin the process of getting rid of the infestation. Some companies will want to move your furniture in order to remove the bedbugs, while others will prefer to leave the furniture in place. Using a stiff brush is a good way to get rid of bed bug eggs and infested furniture. You can also vacuum the area with a vacuum cleaner. When you’re done, be sure to place the vacuum cleaner bags in plastic bags and dispose of them outdoors.
Cost of bed bug extermination
The cost of bed bug extermination can vary greatly, depending on the area affected, the type of infestation, and the size of the home. However, the average cost for treatment is between $350 and $500. If you have a large infestation, the cost can be as high as $1,235.
The cost of bed bug extermination in New Jersey is typically determined by the size of the infestation. One treatment may be sufficient in a single-level house, while larger homes may require several treatments. Fortunately, some treatments are fast-acting, meaning they can be applied in a single visit.
Hiring a professional to do the job can save you money. A pest control company will use chemicals and heat to kill the bugs. However, this process may require multiple treatment sessions in order to completely eliminate the entire infestation. Additionally, you’ll need a trained professional to apply the chemicals safely. In some cases, a trained dog can be used to detect the presence of bed bugs and locate them quickly. These dogs are very popular in hotels and other lodging establishments.
You can also split the cost of bed bug extermination with your roommates if you live in a duplex. If you rent your home, you can request the landlord to treat it for you, but you’ll need to make sure you hire someone with extensive knowledge and experience in treating bed bugs. Otherwise, you’ll be unable to re-rent your home unless it’s been thoroughly treated.
Treatment options
There are a few effective home treatment options for bed bug infestation. One effective treatment is rubbing alcohol. This substance kills bed bugs on contact. You can apply it to the mattress, box spring, headboard, and any crevices and cracks in the furnishings. Be sure to read the instructions on the label carefully. Some products are designed to be applied directly to the surface, while others are fast-acting and leave a residue.
Another popular treatment option is Diatomaceous Earth. Although not a traditional pesticide, diatomaceous earth is an effective bed bug killer. It works by abrading bed bugs and cutting their exoskeleton. The treatment works by causing the bugs to dehydrate and die. The only downside to diatomaceous earth is that it can cause skin irritation.
Insecticides are also effective in killing bed bugs. You can use insecticides in combination with freeze or heat treatments. These temperature treatments are more reliable than chemical treatments and don’t leave residues. They are also safer for children and pets. Heat treatments are most effective in high-contact areas. However, if your home is in a climate that is susceptible to the effects of heat, it’s best to hire a professional.
Treatment for bedbug infestations is an expensive and time-consuming process. It’s important to learn about the different treatment options and choose the best one for your home. While some pests can be eliminated on your own, bed bugs aren’t one of them. You need the expertise of a professional to get rid of them permanently.